Once received and unloaded the goods, we can, upon request, manage a deep quality control on the products received according to the technical sheets given by the clients.
According to the volume and the type of product, we storage the goods in the dedicated spaces, keeping trace of the specific SKU of the client at an IT level.
Our warehouses, sourveilled 24/24 and always safe, cover a surface of 140.000 m2 31.000 of which are our private estate.
IT mapping
Each shelf, cell and space of our warehouse is mapped with specific codes, that make easy the storage and identification of the goods
Identification spaces with codes
Client SKU IT registered
Well-organized warehouse
Organization, order and clearness in the goods storage.
Dedicated spaces for each client.
Shelves and wide spaces for packages, cells and cardboard structure for objects, textiles and samples.
Manual and IT control
Quality control
A preparatory service to store, important to know extactly where the goods are in the warehouse.
Manual control of the products, according to the given technical data.
Our warehouses are organized to find the goods easily, stored in safe and surveilled environments. Every moment of the SKU is registered and traceable at IT level.